'Moderating' has Been Turned Off (Commenting still On)


When I permitted commenting on the site back in January (Post located here) I added a requirement for 'moderating'. This meant that when someone makes a comment, it does not immediately appear. The comment required approval from Bill or myself before it would show up on the site.

Since that time, there have only been a handful of comments that we did not approve - all because they were better addressed directly with commenter, or were duplicates.

The downside to this was that when someone posts a comment, they are (understandably) expecting the comment to immediately appear, and confused when it did not.

Anyway, I have eliminated moderation. This means when you make a comment, it will now immediately appear. This should make commenting more user friendly, and as long as we don't have to start removing comments (inappropriate comments or spam comments), I will leave this in effect.


PS: Just as a reminder (since I have made many posts today), don't forget to look at the archive if you fear you have missed one of our very important posts. ๐Ÿ˜Š


  1. Awesome. Now I can really get some foul language in before it’s deleted. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Thanks for all your work on this Jeff.

    1. ๐Ÿ˜ I know who this is, anonymous or not. Don't let me forgot to give you the sleeve of balls next Thursday.


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