With some wind, it was still a pleasant day for play. With over 100 players, about half of the field was members playing with guests. The member guest event was won by Sean McGroarty and his guest, Chris Calkin at 11 under par. Team handicaps were 85% of the handicaps shown on the scorecards, so the actual team results will differ from the results using your scorecards, which showed full handicaps. The best score in the members playing with members division was by Doug Rustrum and Tom Kennedy at 9 under par.
The low gross winners by flight were Danny Dalton (gross 71), guest of Jim Alhandy, Scott Drennen (76), guest of Mike Drennen, Sean McGroarty (81), and Robert Simpson (86). The best net scores by flight were Dave Basile, Tom McCafferty and Pete deBoer (tied at net 71), Scott Drennen (67), Sean McGroarty (66) and Joe Mohney (68).
Net skins were awarded in 26 cases, with Kyle Willis, guest of Joe Willis, the only player with two skins. Larry Newman was only an inch or two away from an ace on #12 for his CTP.
We are posting scores for all players, including guests, with GHIN's. Nine guests without indexes had handicaps calculated after play using the Callaway system, modified by the course rating. Play was exceeding five hours near the end, which is slower that we would like to see. Please work hard to stay in position behind the group in front of you during events.
Thanks to Bret Bauer, with assistance from Ron Plummer, in organizing and scoring this tournament.