Summary Results *here*

Hi Costa Mesa Senior Group.  

Another solid day at CM country club!  We had a few last minute withdrawals and additions that brought our total to an impressive 84 golfers.

I would like to add that this is our inaugural (yes that is spelled correctly) tournament with prizes for Low Gross.  Gross winners in each flight get prize money ($10) and bragging rights.  Ties are broken by USGA rules. This award is funded from general funds, similar to our CTP awards.  Entry fees are used to fund the team, individual net and skins awards.  

First time low gross winners are.....
Flight 1 Tim Schilling with a 75. Tim beat Alex Cruz on a tiebreaker. Tim also had 5 birdies on the back 9 including 4 in a row....That has to be a senior club record if we were keeping those stats. Great job Tim. 
Flight 2 John Carrol (79) over John Jurczak by tiebreaker.
Flight 3 Harlan Andersen (78)
Flight 4 Joe Willis (84)

Team Winners......
1st place Walker, Monk, Edles and Meyer (17 under par). Welcome back Mike Edles!

Low net winners by Flight......
Ronald Plummer and Jim Lencek (70); Mark Spreeman (65); Harlan Andersen (64); and Joe Willis (62)  Nice Job.

Thank You everyone for a great day, Dave Basile, Tournament Director

Thanks to Dave for organizing and scoring this tournament.


Summary Results *Here*

Today’s tournament had 69 golfers playing, with some impressively low scores for only using 4 clubs.  This obviously proves we don’t need half of the clubs we carry around!  

Some of you may have heard that Steve Gibbs (Gibby) is leaving us for Arizona, we’ll miss your crazy tales as we wait to tee off!  Likewise for Eric Gastineau, he's moving to Nashville to become a country star, or sell cars, which ever he’s best at!  It’s been great knowing both of you, we wish you the best in your new locales, and come back and play with us again when you are in town.

Today’s highlights:

4 Club Team Event - 18 teams competing in one flight.

1st place team - Sherry Howard, Daniel Kim, Jim Howard, and Shirley Skirvin won with a net score of 128.
2nd place was 129, and 5 teams tied for 3rd at 131 

Individual Low Net - 1st place in each flight

Flight 1 - Bill Walker, net 71
Flight 2 - Daniel Kim, net 68
Flight 3 - Sean McGroarty, net 64
Flight 4 - Conrad Wilson, net 66

Net Skins - winners of 2 or more skins

Flight 1 - Steve Gibbs
Flight 4 - Conrad Wilson, Shirley Skirvin, Robert May

CTP winners

Hole 2 - Conrad Wilson
Hole 6 - Kevin Curcio
Hole 8 - Chris Aasland 
Hole 10 - Mark Cleveland
Hole 12 - Tom Kennedy
Hole 16 - Tim Schilling

Low Gross today goes to Tim Bjelland with a 74!  So much for being handicapped by 4 clubs Tim!  Nice round.

Congrats to all winners!  Thanks to everyone for participating today.

Dan Hudgins, Tournament Director

Thanks to Dan for directing this tournament.

Eight players shot net par or better with only 4 clubs.

Complete Hole by Hole Data *Here*