Our membership voted to limit our membership at our annual membership meeting on September 21st.
The SCGA will continue to send renewal notices to existing members and process credit card renewals for us. Membership will not be available to new members through the SCGA unless we ask them to change that setting. Our club will no longer be visible through SCGA's Club Finder or "Find a Club" search.
It is a sad move to exclude ourselves from new members, as that is the source for our continued existence. Our bimonthly tournaments at the Costa Mesa courses are our main purpose. For the last year, we have filled every tournament that wasn't impacted by the wet season. Members have been frustrated by the difficulty in entering events.
The course has been generous in providing the access to the times that we do get for our tournaments. It is important that we use this resource wisely and play when we commit to play.
Officers for next year were also elected at this meeting. Serving through September 2024 are Bill Cloud, President; Rich Clause, Membership; Jim Meyer, Treasurer; Gerry Schomberg, Handicaps; Jeff MacCarter, Communications; Ron Plummer, Peter Cary, Dave Basile, Dan Hudgins and Bret Bauer, Tournaments. Bret is new to the Board this year. Retiring from the Board was Ken Otsubo.