Summary Results *Here*

The course was in prime shape, as it was being prepared for the Costa Mesa City Championships this weekend.  

We have a few members entered into that tournament and wish them well.

The flight winners of our August 3rd tournament were Tim Bjelland and Pete de Boer (both net 69's) in Flight 1, Bill Cloud and Burnie Presho (also net 69's in Flight 2, Chris Aasland (net 68) in Flight 3, and Keving Dreiling (net 67) in Flight 4.  Tim also had the lowest gross of the day, shooting even par (70).

Multiple skins winners were Ryan Haegar and Shirley Skirvin.

Thanks to Ken Otsubo for setting up and scoring this tournament.

Complete Results with Hole by Hole Date *Here*

 Summary Results *Here* 

Many four-somes produced some very good scores, on a very warm day.

The lowest scoring team was King Ling Wong, Robert Ou, Robert May and Robert Wilson won their flight with a net -19 under par. The team of George Fitzgibbons, John Ludlow, Tim Schilling and Jim Thornton won Flight one with a net -15. 

The best individual net scores by flight: Flight 1, John Ludlow  net 65; Flight 2, Dan Hudgins net 68; Flight 3, King Ling Wong net 66; and Flight 4, Russell Barrett net 67.

Multiple Skins winners were,in  Flight 2, Steve Stranak with birdies on # 11 and # 18; Jim Meyer with a birdie on # 2 and Eagle on # 7.  Flight 3, Sean McGroarty with Birdies on #'s 2 and 13; and in Flight 4, Robert (Butch) May had 4 skins, with Birdies on hole #'s 11, 13, 15 and 17!  Also, Jim Ortale (#14, #16) and Kent Cowgur (#2, #7)

Thank you all for playing and making this a fun tournament. Just a reminder, the final group must pick up all the CTP pins and place them on top of the locker in the men's locker room.
And again, many thanks to Bill Cloud and Ron Plummer for helping me with this tournament.

Regards, Peter Cary, Tournament Director