Summary Results *Here*
July 6th was the first tournament which was eligible as a score to be included for our September Club Championship (net) competition. Our Club Championships final round will be Thursday, September 21st. Like last year, that day will begin with an early shotgun start and be followed by our annual membership meeting and banquet at Newport Rib. More to follow on that. To be eligible for Club Champion (net), a member must have played in 5 CMSGA events since October 2022. The Club Champion (net) is determined by the combined score from the lowest score on July 6th, August 3rd, August 17th or September 7th and your September 21st score.
Thanks to Ken Otsubo for setting up and scoring this tournament. We had 86 players compete in four flights. The lowest gross score of 70 (which was also his net) was posted by Tim Bjelland. The winners of the four net flights were Per Jensen (67), a tie by John Carroll and Dan Hudgins (66), King LIng Wong (66) and Karen Hudgins (65). Each are off to a good start for September.
Per Jensen and Hoyt Etter were both multiple skins winners.