Minor Website Changes / PayPal Links Moved, New Widgets Added

Just wanted to point out a couple minor changes to the site.

First, I moved the PayPal links to the bottom of the website (they were previously at the top of the right navigation panel). 

Second, I added an Archive of the posts. This can make it easier to find an older post instead of scrolling through pages. This widget is in the right navigation panel. You can expand or condense the view.

Lastly, I added a widget where you can easily send a message to CMSGA, right from the site. I believe these messages currently go to Bill Cloud and myself, but this may change.

I will continue to make minor tweaks here and there, and won't always post about the changes. I decided to post this time since the PayPal links were moved, and felt it important that you can easily send us your money. 😁



  1. Jeff. Have the comments always been held up for approval of the admin versus just removing them if inappropriate? If so it seems a little heavy handed for a group such as this. ✌️

    1. Yes, comments have been moderated since I turned on commenting in January. I did that because honestly, I had no idea what to expect: heated arguments between members, non-members spamming, people not realizing they are posting to the public and not sending something private to the board, etc. I also did not want to have 'delete' an already posted comment, and get in potential arguments over that - especially with an 'anonymous' commenter.

      Having said that, I am reconsidering, and may try no moderation to see how that goes.

      PS: If you are curious, here was the page I created when I turned on commenting:


  2. I am sure it’s obvious I have no admin or coding experience. 😂 Thanks for your work on improving the experience here!


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