May 19 Tournament Results

Third Thursday Tournament Results Here

We had a great tournament today and the last group finished in 4:45.  Thanks for everyone keeping up.  I heard several comments from the group about their low scores and how much they enjoyed the format.  The winners on the leaderboard were a mix of low team handicap indexes and higher handicap indexes.  The results that you see will be a little off from what you were expecting due to using 85% of the team index instead of 100%.  I know that our team was 2 strokes off than the dots indicated on the scorecard.  I also tried a different skin format.  Instead of individual skins I used a team skin format, again at 85%, split into lower team index flight and higher team index flight.  Also two of our teams were short a player so a blind was used for them.  Congratulations goes out to the low 2 best ball net team of Skirvin, Kim, Howard, and Howard recording a 31 under par followed closely by the team of Logemann, Bauer, Barrett, and McGroarty with a 30 under par.  There were a total of 10 skins in the low index flight and 9 skins in the high index flight.  We did not have a multiple CTP winner in contest.
Thanks to all for coming out,

Ron Plummer, Tournament Director

Thanks to Ron for directing this tournament.

48 out of 82 players scored net par or better in the shamble.  Two weeks ago the number was 15 out 82.  This was using 85% of course handicaps in both cases.  Looking at the hole by hole scoring stats, the easiest hole Thursday was #8 (3.05 gross scoring average). 

Don Miyada shot a 94 today.  He turns 97 on Saturday!

Robert Simpson, a new member, shot a net 57 (gross 74).

Ron didn't mention that he tied for low gross with Don Spreeman (71).  There were six gross 72's.

The team formats are fun.  They do produce some interesting results. 


Member Handicaps / Now Updated

UPDATE: May 7th

Member Handicap Page has been updated.


So I obviously need to set myself a reminder to update our Member Handicap Page after the first of the month, because I am forgetful.

I promise to update it this weekend.

Especially because of this:

The above is the graph for views to the Member Handicap Page. And when I begged for 'views' in mid April, you all delivered.

Thank you! 😁

May 5th Tournament Results

May 5th First Thursday Tournament Results

A beautiful day for golf, and some really good scores from many players. In first place, was the team of Ned Whittemore, Gene Ramirez, Pete De Boer and Chris Aasland with a score of 19 under par.

One stroke back and tied for second place were the teams of Jim Meyer, Mike Edles, Alonzo Monk and Jeff MacCarter; Rich Clause, Robert Ou, Bill Cloud and Peter Cary.

And congratulations to Pete De Boer who scored the best gross of 68!

There were 4 skins in the A Flight, 3 skins in B Flight and 7 in C Flight. Both  Sherry Howard (Eagle on 16, Birdie on 18) and Brian Cwik (Par on 4, Birdie on 13) were multiple skins' winners.

Thank you all, and hope you had an enjoyable tournament.

Peter Cary, Tournament Director

Thanks to Peter for organizing and scoring this tournament.