Summary Results *Here*

Exceptional rounds are noted in each of our four flights.  Net winners of each flight were Ron Plummer & Pete de Boer (tied at 68), Doug Peterson (66), John Westermeyer (66) and Fred Depaola (62).  Gross winners were Alex Cruz (68), Doug Peterson (74), Doug Rustrum (81) and Fred DePaola (84).  Out of twenty winners of skins, Rich Miller was the only player claiming two.

Thanks to Peter Cary for organizing and scoring this tournament.  At one point we had 92 players signed up, plus 10 players on the waiting list.  On the day of play, we had 84 players.  To be fair to all members wanting to play, please do not take up a tee time if you are uncertain about playing, and especially give us notice if you will not be playing.  We should be able to provide spots to everyone wanting to play, but it is difficult when spaces are occupied, then canceled with little or no notice.  

Our first Thursday tournament in August is the second of three Mesa Linda tournaments to earn a score eligible to apply for our annual Club Championship (net).