Summary Results *Here*

We had a large group today, 89 total, and great weather.  Following is a recap of winners of each of the tournaments.  There were 2 noteworthy events today that need mentioning:

1. Damien Wilkerson had a hole-in-one on #10!  Congrats to Damien, that is something special for sure.
2. There were 2 natural Eagles on on hole 16, 1 each by Alex Cruz and Tim Schilling.  Unfortunately for these 2, they were both in the same flight so no skins were awarded for their achievements!  Sorry about that, but congrats to both of them for a couple of rare scores.


FLIGHT 1 Jim Lencek - net 65
FLIGHT 2 Bill Cloud - net 67
FLIGHT 3 Daniel Kim - net 67
FLIGHT 4 Fred Depaola - net 64


FLIGHT 1 Ned Whittemore 2 skins, and 4 others with 1 skin each
FLIGHT 2 Todd Schmieder 3 skins , Bill Cloud 2 skins, and 5 others with 1 skin each
FLIGHT 3 6 total skins awarded to 6 individuals
FLIGHT 4 Steve Bowen 2 skins, and 6 others with 1 skin each


FLIGHT 1 Tim Schilling - 71
FLIGHT 2 Richard Munroe - 75 
FLIGHT 3 Daniel Kim - 81
FLIGHT 4 Joe Willis - 87


Hole 2 - Pete De Boer
Hole 6 - Robert Kirchgessner
Hole 8 - Ned Whittemore  
Hole 10 - Damien Wilkerson HOLE-IN-ONE!
Hole 12 - Mike Meissenburg
Hole 17 - Steve Hesss

Thanks, Dan Hudgins, Tournament Director

And thanks to Dan for organizing and scoring this tournament.  Damian Wilkerson receives a $100 credit to his CMSGA balance for scoring a hole in one during one of our Thursday tournaments.

2024 Scotch Cup

Despite our narrow lead on the first round, Laguna Woods overcame their deficit to retain the Scotch Cup.  Thanks to all of our members that participated.  This is a unique event that offers an entertaining competition and play with their senior golf club. 

Summary Results *Here*

Preliminary Results are shown through these links.  

Robert May and Eric Brady were a last minute pairing that combined to win the team competition, shooting 10 under par.  A mix of both high and low team handicaps placed.  

The respective net flight winners were Pete de Boer (69), Peter Cary (69), Lon Monk and Doug Rustrum (tied at 71), and Shirley Skirvin with our lowest net (67).  

Taking low gross honors by flight are Marc Kearns (70), Peter Cary (79), Lon Monk and Doug Rustrum (88), and Joe Willis (93).

Mike Supple, Pete de Boer, Doug Peterson, Tom Schmeider, Neil Slater and Eric Brady were all winners of two skins.

Thanks to Peter Cary for organizing and scoring this tournament.